We personally seek out the best African coffee producers to curate and craft a coffee experience that does not compromise on taste and quality.

To seek the best is to let go.
To leave behind the known, the usual, the conventional.
To seek the best is to explore, to learn, to discover.
To seek the very best in every human being.
To define a new way to do business.
To take action for a better future.
To seek, is not for one, but for all.
To seek the best is to discover the best in ourselves,
In each-other, in our land, in our people.
To listen, to laugh, to enjoy, to grow.
Because when you seek the best in others,
You discover the very best in yourself.
At Bean There, we believe that to seek, is to truly find.

"Our single origin coffee beans can each be traced back to one country and region"
Single origin means the coffee is from one growing region therefore not mixed or blended with any other region. Bean There Coffee Company carefully selects Africa’s best single origin coffee to allow the coffee drinker the opportunity to know a country through its coffee.
The regions where coffee grows, known as ‘origin regions’, are grouped loosely under three geographical nameplates: the Americas, Africa and Arabia, and Indonesia. Within these regions, coffee grows in almost 80 different countries. The character and flavour of a coffee varies with the growing latitude, altitude and climate of the coffee tree, and the processing method of the coffee cherry.
The grand crus, or ‘great growths’, of the coffee world are few in number and similarly demanding. Each conveys a unique ‘taste of place’; a compelling flavour window into the singular growing conditions of its homeland. Bean There is committed to selecting the best coffee from these regions in Africa to allow the coffee drinker the opportunity to know a country through its coffee.
This focus on single origin coffee removes the luxury of blending a variety of beans to create a well-rounded cup of coffee therefore only allowing Bean There to buy the highest quality coffee available in order to satisfy the requirements for an amazing taste.

“The distance we’re prepared to go to source the earth’s best coffee knows no bounds”
Coffee of exceptional quality is not easy to find. At Bean There Coffee Company we do the hard work to bring you only the best Arabica coffee produced in Africa and are committed to pursuing excellence in all procurement, processes, and procedures. Coffee is a giant global industry employing more than 20 million people.
The two commercially significant species of coffee beans are Arabica and Robusta. Arabica grows best at altitudes over 1,000 meters. This species produces superior quality coffees, which possess the greatest flavour and aromatic characteristics. They typically contain half the caffeine of Robusta. Arabica production represents 80% of the world’s coffee trade, however, only 10% of this meets stringent specialty coffee standards. Bean There guarantees their customers a part of the exclusive 10% of the world’s Arabica coffee.
Too often, substandard coffee is sold and served which leads to a poor understanding of how good coffee could and should taste. All Bean There’s practices and beliefs stem from a desire to only distribute the best coffee. From the selection of the green beans to the roasting, grinding, packaging, and preparation, Bean There has developed sound processes to ensure outstanding coffee. Our aim is to elevate coffee from a commonly unappreciated drink to an exclusive, extravagant, passionate beverage.

“Our optimal roasting process ensures the key coffee elements meet in perfect harmony”
Bean There Coffee Company believes that each coffee requires a unique roast profile; a balance of time and temperature to develop the flavours of origin and caramelise the natural sugars in the beans.
Roasters view the work of roasting as facilitation, not creation. Roasting is the key phase in the treatment of coffee that transforms the hard, green seeds of the coffee cherry into flavourful, complex beans ready for the next stage of the journey. The roaster’s art lies in knowing the exact moment to remove the heat.
Roasting coffee is an awesome responsibility, where one wrong decision can ruin beans that cost hundreds of people time, effort, and money. Roasting coffee is an art, and like all true art, it takes years of practice before one becomes a master roaster; a skill learned only by trial and error experience, where the errors may ruin many beans. The actual roast is a balancing act. The skill is deciding at what degree of roast each coffee tastes best.

“This is how we found the farmers of the finest coffee in the world, who we pay directly”
The goal of Bean There Coffee Company is to make a sustainable difference in the lives of African coffee producers and we believe that the best way to do this is to trade directly and fairly with the farmers, building relationships, and promoting quality coffee.
The accepted definition of fair trade is as follows:
“Fair Trade is a trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency, and respect that seeks greater equity in international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing the rights of, marginalized producers and workers – especially in the South. Fair trade organizations, backed by consumers, are engaged actively in supporting producers, awareness raising, and in campaigning for changes in the rules and practice of conventional international trade.”
Fair trade is an essential and crucial element of Bean There Coffee Company. For too long coffee producers have been exploited and treated unfairly. Bean There deeply believes in trading fairly and ethically with coffee producers in Africa thereby supporting the coffee farmers, their families, and communities. Fair trade is not an obligation but an opportunity to actively support development, growth, and social empowerment.

”Transporting the taster from the misty slopes of Mt. Kenya to the fertile rolling hills of North Kivu”
Every cup of Bean There coffee creates an adventure able to transport the taster to the jungles of risk, the farms of intrigue, the plains of mystery, and the taste of Africa’s coffee heritage.
Bean There’s goal is for the coffee drinker to experience the adventure and excitement that coffee has to offer. Africa and other coffee producing countries around the world are immersed in a culture of adventure. To set out on an exploration of the unknown and undiscovered is one of life’s greatest journeys. Adventure leads to a worthwhile, inspired, and passionate life, and Bean There’s belief is that using that same adventure to obtain coffee will have the same results; coffee acquired with an adventurous spirit will be rare, exclusive, deep, intriguing, and definitely worthwhile!
Adventure drives us to search for the best coffee. Adventure compels us to look for the unexpected. Adventure motivates us to take chances. Adventure forces us to never be satisfied. Adventure causes us to locate the world’s best coffee and roast it to perfection with the hope that this adventure will spread and grow among coffee drinkers.
“Never forget that life can only be nobly inspired and rightly lived if you take it bravely and gallantly, as a splendid adventure in which you are setting out into an unknown country, to meet many a joy, to find many a comrade, to win and lose many a battle.”
– Annie Besant

Fairtrade is an ethical certification whose main aim is to promote more equality and sustainability in the farming sector. A product that carries the Fairtrade Certification Mark has met the rigorous Fairtrade Standards, which focus on improving labour and living conditions for farming communities and on promoting a way of farming that doesn’t harm either people or the environment.

Ecocert is an inspection and certification body established in France in 1991 by agronomists aware of the need to develop environmentally friendly agriculture and of the importance of offering some form of recognition to those committed to this method of production.

The Rainforest Alliance (RA) works to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods by transforming land-use practices, business practices, and consumer behaviour. Rainforest Alliance believes that the best way to keep forests standing is by ensuring that it is profitable for businesses and communities to do so.